The One App I Can’t Live Without

Twos - the best way to remember *things*

Parker Klein ✌️


Have you ever forgotten someone’s name or an important event?

If so, you aren’t alone. In fact, research shows people forget 70% of the things they learn every day, and 90% of things within a week. [1]

Man forgetting something

Albert Einstein once said, “Paper is to write things down we need to remember. Our brains are used to think.”

Our brains aren’t meant to remember things. That’s why a place to write things down was (and still is) so important. But we don’t have to rely exclusively on paper, post-its, and the backs of envelopes anymore. We have computers on our desks and in our pockets.

Between random thoughts and things I need to do, there are at least 10–20 instances every day where I’ll need to write something down. If I choose paper, I may lose it and definitely won’t have quick access to it in 5 years… probably not even 5 days.

We shouldn’t need to think about where to write something or run around the house looking for paper and a pen. That’s where the one app I can’t live without comes in…

Twos is a fast, beautiful, and free app designed to quickly write *things* down on your phone and computer. Every day, Twos gives you a new list to write down any *thing* you want to remember and you can also organize *things* into custom lists.

My list for today on

Your *things* can be thoughts, to-dos, reminders, calendar events, notes, and more — so you can keep every *thing* organized in one place.

Whenever I have some *thing* to write down, I write it in Twos because it is quick and easy so I can move on with my life.

Whenever I need to remember some *thing*, I know right where to find it.

Start remembering things with Twos today and your life will never be the same.

#SharedFromTwos ✌️

[1] Dr. Art Kohn, Professor at Portland State University University School of Business. The original study was German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus and described the forgetting curve



Parker Klein ✌️

Former @Google @Qualcomm @PizzaNova. Building Twos: write, remember & share *things* (